starting over, 2021-style


aleks marinkovic on unsplash

Well, here we are. This new website is now the official hub of operations—the engine room. It features the workshops I’m currently offering, and the work I can do for and with other writers.

The About Me page tells about how I gained my writing and editing chops—on the job, old-school—and I still do bits of work for organisations and publications, so that’s not just history. Please do get in touch if you’re looking for a copy-editor or a proofreader.

I’ve also gathered together as much of my own work as I can find online, just to remind myself as well as you that I really have written all this stuff—and that people seemed to like it. You’ll find various pieces along with links to all my books on the Writing page.

The main change to the workshops I offer is that now everything is on Zoom. I went over to Zoom in February, before the lockdown, and it works so very well that I’m not sure I’ll even bother to go back to hiring regular meeting rooms: so limiting, in comparison! I think that can be a once-in-a-while treat, but how wonderful to get people together from all over the place. This development and commitment to online work means that you, yes you, can join my workshops now from wherever you are, as long as you can make it at the time. And if you want a 1-1 feedback session, we can book a time that suits both of us. I see real potential in this.

The poet Yang Lian wrote, ‘There is no international. There are only a thousand locals’. Well, we’re not travelling at the moment, are we. I’m really hoping we can use this online existence to generate real multi-local literary excitement and creativity.

The other big change—well, not that big a change to me—is that I’m branching out sideways into creative non-fiction as well as the poetry. My workshops for adults have all been about poetry, but for years I’ve been quietly working with schoolchildren mostly on stories and creative non-fiction. So from now on, all my workshops except the ones that specifically say ‘poetry’ on them are also going to be for people writing in short prose forms. This feels like a really joyful development—just as exciting as being able to work with clients from all over the world.

This news page replaces my previous very infrequent newsletter; it’ll be about workshops and other offerings, as well as about writing in general and things that are feeding into my workshops. Just sign up here to get an update whenever I post.

Hope to see you soon!


Why everybody needs poetry: a workshop


What happened to Baroque in Hackney?